Although we live on Planet Earth, it's really Planet Ocean. With the seven seas making up over two-thirds of the globe's surface, sustaining life and generating the air we breathe, the mounting threat of climate change is something we need to take notice of - if there are no oceans, human life cannot continue.

To help you appreciate and understand the powerful, mysterious and bountiful nature of the ocean, Sea Chest have put together our top 9 most compelling reasons why protecting the ocean is so important.

It Creates Oxygen...

The ocean is the biggest source of oxygen on the planet - making up 70% of overall production - whereas all the trees and rainforests produce only around 28%. The oxygen from the ocean is generated by phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton that produce oxygen through the process of photosynthesis, just like on-land plants.

Currently, the phytoplankton population has 'dropped by 40% since 1950' according to a Scientific America article.

...And Absorbs CO2

The ocean is like a carbon dioxide filter for the earth, absorbing over 30% of CO2 created by humans. However, rising emissions are affecting the natural pH of the ocean, leading to what's known as Ocean Acidification.

It's Earth's Biggest Eco-System

71% of the earth's surface is covered in ocean and there are around 228,450 known species that rely on the seas as their only habitat.

It's 95% Unexplored

Millions of species remain undiscovered.

It Has A Powerful Influence On The Climate And Weather

The ocean acts as a climate regulator. Not only does 97% of all rainfall come from the ocean, it also circulates cold water from the poles and warm water from the equator which controls sea temperatures as well as the overall temperature of the Earth.

It's An Abundant Food Source

Over a billion people on Earth rely on the ocean as a significant food source; and it's not only fish, it's seaweed, Palmaria Palmata (dulse), sea plants, algae and shellfish that get consumed regularly. With around 15,000 human births taking place every hour around the globe, over time the strain on the ocean as a food source will inevitably become more and more urgent.

It's Essential To The Economy

From fishers to Naval architects, geoscientists to zoologists, lifeguards to holiday businesses - there are a huge array of jobs around the world that rely on the oceans to continue.

The oceans are also the most economical highway for transporting raw materials and goods on Earth and, according to, '90% of the world’s trade is carried by sea.'

It's Heals The Human Body And Mind

Whether you live by the sea or you've ever spent any time near the ocean, you'll be aware of the positive impact it has on the mind and body.

The sensation of sea air cleansing the mind is more than just a feeling. In fact, air close to the ocean is charged with negative ions and once these ions come into contact with our bloodstream, chemical reactions occur which can pump up levels of serotonin, a hormone that "alleviates depression, relieves stress, and boosts our daytime energy" according to Web MD.

For the body - seawater is filled with skin-nourishing minerals like zinc, potassium, magnesium, and iron, which can help to soothe skin conditions and reduce inflammation.

Post By Ed Mason