A boat to most of us becomes an escape from the realities and stresses of everyday life and a place that offers untouched tranquillity and peace. For those of you lucky enough to have a fair sized yacht or boat, this gives you the option to go on long trips and even the possibility to live on it indefinitely if you really can’t get enough of sea life! You want your boat to feel like a home from home and decorating the interior of your boat can often be forgotten about and disregarded as being important. But don't fall into the trap of having a functional and bog standard boat like so many others, make your mark amongst the boating world and create an interior that you can really be proud of! It will make spending time on your boat even more special, and you'll have no second thoughts at inviting people around for a cruise! If you are spending a lot of time on your boat and want it sprucing up, here are some simple boat interior decorating ideas to help you get the most out of your space!
Add Some Colour
Many boat interiors have that tell tale ‘just left the boat show room’ look – with their pristine and neutral colours, but this look isn't sustainable and lacks personality. You can easily add a pop of colour and some character to any boat by swapping your beige throws and pillows for colourful and vibrant fabrics, or opting for a black and grey colour scheme for a really smooth and luxurious feel to your interior. Making small adjustments like this can make a huge difference.
Spruce Up Your Berth
If you’re lucky enough to have a berth or two on your yacht, this is your opportunity to really let your personality shine through. Just because it’s a berth treat it as you would with a bedroom at home - make it your own personal space and cosy little haven. Being at sea can be a wonderful experience and bringing a piece of home with you can make It even better than just having a ‘functional’ and bog standard room that you would let a guest sleep in.
Just like you would at home, make sure you have plenty of storage devices that fit in with your existing pieces of furniture. This stops your interior from getting cluttered and it’s a good excuse to buy colourful and pretty boxes or a new piece of furniture to fill your cabin with.
Add Touches Of Home
Wherever you end up around the world keep your sea legs grounded by adding touches of your home to your boat. Whether that's a photo frame, a picture, or simply some tableware or bedding from your home, it's nice to remember where you come from, and it's also a very comforting feeling.
Find Inspiration
And if you really don't have any idea where to start or turn to next, go out and find some interior inspiration! There is an abundance of information and images out there on the internet, books and in magazines. As you go along keep a book of images, ideas and colour schemes of things that take your fancy, or easier yet get a Pinterest account to keep it all on file.
The outside of a boat doesn't give much away about the owners, but step inside and you want your true personality to shine. Making your mark amongst the boating world is really very simple and will make spending time on your boat in the future extra special! For all future blogs on sailing and boat interiors, keep an eye on the Seachest Facebookpage, our Twitter or at Google+.