Sailing With Dogs: 6 Safety Tips

Friday, 29th of July 2016

Dogs have always had a beloved place on boats. From Sinbad, the USS coast guard canine sailor, to the many four-legged mascots of the military, simply having a dog on board is to carry on a historic tradition. That said, boats are dangerous enough places for

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10 Brilliant Summer Holiday Sailing Reads

Monday, 20th of June 2016

If you thought summer holidays were already a great time to get some reading done, wait until you spend one on a boat. There’s a lot of downtime whilst out on the water, and all the greatest sailors have used this time to its fullest by reading the works

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Brand Spotlight: NV Charts

Wednesday, 18th of May 2016

It pleases us at Seachest to no end to see new generations of sailors and yachtsman learn and use nautical charts when they take to the water. Better yet, the new advancements they have at their disposable, from upgradable pilots to downloadable apps, mean

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5 Essential Books For The New Sailor

Tuesday, 19th of April 2016

From electronic gadgets to boating blogs, there are plenty of modern tools to help you find your sea legs. In our opinion, nothing quite beats the time honoured method of a good boating book. From technical guides to the beautifully captured words from the

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5 Places To Sail To This Easter Bank Holiday

Friday, 11th of March 2016

The lighter mornings and evenings are here, and despite some freak snow earlier this week the weather is finally starting to heat up a bit too. Heading full speed ahead for Easter, the bank holiday weekend provides the perfect time to get out on the boat for

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How to Plan An Overseas Sailing Trip

Monday, 29th of February 2016

Even if the totality of your time spent on the water has been pretty close to home, you and every other sailor probably share the same dream. The desire to haul anchor and see the world from the comfort of a boat deck is so engrained into the lifestyle, many

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